The House of Forgotten Time

Whispers in the Wind

Long ago, in a forgotten corner of the forest, the house had been full of life. Travelers spoke of the Manor of Lost Hours, a place where time itself seemed to slow, bending around its inhabitants. The house belonged to an eccentric clockmaker named Valen, who believed that time was a living force, a spirit that could be tamed and trapped. His creations—intricate clocks, each more fantastical than the last—adorned the walls of his strange home, and for a time, Valen lived content in his solitude, listening to the rhythmic ticking of his inventions.

A Forgotten Curse

Valen’s success was short-lived. The moment the clock struck midnight, time froze for everyone inside the house. The world outside continued on, but for those within, it was as if the house had vanished from existence. People soon forgot about Valen and his house, as if it had never been there in the first place. But the house remained, its once vibrant exterior slowly decaying, while those trapped inside wandered its halls like ghosts, neither alive nor dead.

Echoes of the Past

Inside the house, time no longer flows as it does in the world outside. Valen, along with his servants and visitors who happened to be in the house that night, remain frozen in time—unable to age, unable to leave. Their spirits wander the decaying halls, trapped in the endless loop of their last moments.

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